

HP863磨煤机出力,辽宁发电有限责任 辽宁省抚顺市 113007 HP863 linear transformation of the impeller of Mill Liyujie Northeast Generation Company Ltd. Liaoning Fushun City, Liaoning Province Abstract: The limited liability company in Liaoning two 350MW generating units of the mill produced by Shanghai Heavy Machinery HP863 type mill. In general, Stone Coal pulverizers emissions exceed 0.5% of rated output is already a non normal condition, and I plant mill stone coal output capacity has reached 0.86% of its 4.18%, and the discharge contains large amounts of coal without grinding.This not only seriously affected the civilizat。

HP863磨煤机出力,球磨机出力低的原因有: (1)给煤机出力不足,煤质坚硬,可磨性差。 (2)磨煤机内钢球装载量不足或过多。钢球质量差,小钢球未及时清理,波浪瓦磨损严重未及时更换。 (3)磨煤机内通风量不足,干燥出力低,或原煤水分增高。如排粉机出力不足,系统风门故障,磨煤机入口积煤或漏风等。 (4)回粉量过大,煤粉过细。 提高制粉系统出力的措施有: (1)保持给煤量均匀,防止断煤。在保持磨煤机出口温度不变的情况下,尽量提高磨煤机入口风温。 (2)定期添加钢球,保持磨煤机内一定的钢球装载量,并定期清理不合格的钢球及铁件杂物。 (3)保持磨煤机内适当的通风量,磨煤机入口负压越小越好,以不漏粉为准。 (4)消除制粉系统的漏风,加强粗细粉分离器的维护,保持各锁气器动作灵活。(5)保持合格的煤粉细度,适当调整粗粉分离器折向门,煤粉不应过细。。



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