

关于破碎机的英文文献,英文单词大全,破碎机相关设备英文单词大全——矿山机械常用的设备,如破碎机、制砂机、球磨机等的英文是什么?科帆矿山机械找来了和破碎机相关的矿山机械设备的英文单词,提供给大家作参考,希望对大家有所帮助:破碎机 Crusher石头破碎机 Stone crusher移动式破碎站 Mobile crushing plant Jaw Crusher反击式破碎机 Impact crusher Hammer crusher复合式破碎机 Combination crusher单段锤式破碎机 Single stage Hammer crusher圆锥破碎机 Cone crusher Roll Crusher破碎机相关设备:圆振动筛 Circular Vibrating Screen振动给料机 Vibrating Feeder皮带输送机 Belt conveyor雷蒙磨 Raymond mill制砂机 Sand maker洗砂机 Sand washer棒磨式制砂机 Rod mill球磨机 Ball mill。

关于破碎机的英文文献,Abstract] supermarket as a new retail model, the rapid development in China, it's healthy development and living relationship has become closer. This paper discusses the development of exposure in our supermarkets, as well as specific measures. [Key words] supermarket chain logistics Since 1930, the Americans established the first supermarket in the world since the history of the development of this retail industry has been 70 years. Its appearance is a major change in circulation, after 70 years of development, the supermarket has developed into a multi species system of series of retail form。

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