

分级叶轮,OPTIMIZED DESIGN OF THE CLASSIFIER IMPELLER FOR IMPACT PULVERIZERS 立式冲击粉碎机分级叶轮的优化设计 Based on the partition size formula derived from analyzing the dynamic features of the particles in the classifying chamber of a vertical impact pulverizer,a mathematical model for optimized design of the classifier impeller is established. 以对立式冲击粉碎机分级室内物料颗粒的动力学分析所得的分级粒径公式为基础 ,建立了分级叶轮优化设计的数学模型。 In this paper, based on aerodynamics technology, mechanics and superfine powder technology, the optimal designs have been used on many sections of the grading system such as quantity of second air flow, grading imp。



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